The White Edit

Getting Married In Cyprus



As romantic locations go, getting married on The Island of Love couldn’t be more apt. If you choose a destination wedding in Cyprus then you’re tying the knot on the sands where Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty and love, was born. Whether you emerge naked from the sea clothed in a few strategic shells to walk up the aisle, or opt for something slightly more traditional, a wedding in Cyprus will certainly be a beautiful, memorable occasion.

the lowdown

Aside from the mythology, there are many other reasons why getting married in Cyprus is a great idea. The landscapes here tell of classic romance, gentle waves breaking on sandy shores as far as the eye can see. Head to the west of the island and off the beaten track to the Akamas Peninsulato discover a wedding venue in Cyprus set against a backdrop of dramatic cliffs and turquoise seas. Sophisticated Nicosia and stylish Kyreniaare bustling while the Troodos Mountains is ideal if hiking is your idea of a heavenly honeymoon or perhaps a hilltop wedding venue in Larnaca.

Although an island, Cyprus is easy to get to and to navigate, whether in the Turkish north or the Greek south.

Food is a passion here and, as the island has had many rulers over time, influences on the local cuisine are wide ranging – the wedding mezecan encompass them all.

It’s almost a rule that your wedding feast must feature honey, given Cyprus’ reputation for producing it. Traditional honey and almond cakes are ideal for soaking up all the champagne –or enjoying with the local wines, which are some of the oldest in the world.

Commandaria, a sweet wine made in the Troodos Mountains, is the perfect pairingfor desert. Cypriot red wine is traditional for the married couple to drink during the ceremony. Another tradition you may want to consider incorporating is the “newlywed dance,” during which guests pin money to the married couple’s clothes.

With its Mediterranean location, good weather is virtually guaranteed (we’re talking 330 days of sunshine a year..) and the warmth of local hospitality, combined with an aura of the divine makes Cyprus just wedding-perfect.

Make sure to check out our roundup of the best wedding venues in Cyprus.

insider note...

Unless you’re in the mountains, high summer in Cyprus (July and August) can be too hot for many people so it’s better to tie the knot outside of these months. For weddings al fresco, and some wonderful wedding photos, Cyprus’ wildflowers are at their most abundant in February and March. However, be warned that some beach hotels on the island close their doors between New Year and the end of March, despite the fact that the sea is probably still warmer than in Brighton in June.

Flight Duration

Approx 4hrs 45


Euro in the south, Turkish lira in the north.

Language Spoken

Greek and Turkish but you’ll be fine if English is all you’ve got.


No special vaccinations required but mosquito repellant is recommended, especially in the north.


There are no trains in Cyprus so bus, car and boat are the principal forms of transport. There are plenty of options when it comes to taxis and mini buses – it’s often wise to pre-book.

Public Holidays

Public holidays vary depending on where you are. Northern Cyprus shares holidays with Turkey, such as Turkish Republic Day (29th October) and doesn’t generally recognise Christmas or Easter. In Southern Cyprus, Christmas and Easter are holidays, as well as Cyprus Independence Day (1st October), Greek Independence Day (25th March) and Cyprus National Day (1st April).

Good Time to Go

Feb - Nov

good to know

Cyprus has one of the warmest climates in the Med.

the marriage


You can legally marry in Cyprus, in either a Civil wedding ceremony or an Anglican religious ceremony. Catholic religious ceremonies are not legally recognised in Cyprus and require a civil ceremony to take place first. Alternatively, to avoid the legalities and paperwork involved, couples can have a low-key civil ceremony at a registry office in the UK to fulfil the legal requirements followed by a Wedding Blessing/Humanist Ceremony in Cyprus at a venue of their choice.

Civil Ceremony

In Cyprus, civil ceremonies take place at the town hall or any other authorised venue. A venue may become ‘authorised’ by paying a fee and obtaining a licence. If the relevant paperwork is completed and the fee paid, you are free to marry wherever you wish.

You can have a civil ceremony if:

You have been resident in Cyprus for 3 clear business days prior to your wedding ceremony.

The same rules apply to same-sex couples who wish to have a civil partnership ceremony. Same sex couples cannot legally marry in Cyprus.

If you would like more information on the application process and documentation required, download our printable Full Guide to Getting Married in Cyprus. 

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Religious Ceremony

You can have a religious ceremony if: wish to have an Anglican wedding and can provide a Baptismal certificate and details of the church you attend at home (in addition to the paperwork required for a civil marriage license).

Catholic religious ceremonies are not legally recognised in Cyprus and require you to have a civil ceremony first in order for your marriage to be legally binding.

If you would like more information on the application process and documentation required, download our printable Full Guide to Getting Married in Cyprus. 

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Wedding Blessing / Humanist Ceremony

The private, non-denominational, non-institutional nature of a Wedding Blessing or Humanist Ceremony gives you the flexibility to marry when,whereand how you want. There is no legal requirement for the ceremony to take place in a licensed building. Therefore, you can hold your ceremony wherever you like — at your favourite restaurant, in a private villa, on a secluded beach or in the middle of an olive grove. The choice is yours. There is no legal requirement for the ceremony to follow a set structure so it can be as formal or informal as you like — you can have a traditional Church Ceremony with the religious parts replaced with readings and vows or you can have a light-hearted ceremony with humorous readings and vows. Once again, the choice is yours. These ceremonies are usuallyperformed by a celebrant whowill be able to help you select the style, structure, readings, music and vows that reflect your tastes and feelings as a couple resulting ina highly personalised and unique, non-religious ceremony.

Please note: If you do choose to have a Wedding Blessing or Humanist Ceremony you will also need to have an official civil ceremony in order for your marriage to be legally binding.

If you would like more information on the application process and documentation required, download our printable Full Guide to Getting Married in Cyprus. 

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