The White Edit

Getting Married In Indonesia



An archipelago of tens of thousands of islands, Indonesia is more epic beauty, natural wonders and cultural diversity than you’ll find almost anywhere else on the planet. Getting married in Indonesia not only provides the opportunity for a unique and memorable occasion but an exciting adventure for your first steps into married life too.

the lowdown

The Indonesian island of Komodohas one of only seven pink beaches in the world; Java is home to the One Horned Javan Rhino, one of the rarest animals in existence; Borobudur temple in Central Java is the largest Buddhist temple on the planet –and the list goes on. If your wedding destination must be truly spectacular and distinctfrom anywhere else on earth, Indonesia is real a one off. Getting married in Indonesia gives you access to one of the longest coastlines in the world and stunning beaches, such as Derawan (East Kalimantan)and the incredible sands of the Gili Islands. An infinity chapel, a lakeside temple, a pine forest or a grand colonial building are all options for couples getting wed.

The form and food of an Indonesian wedding can vary widely, which gives you plenty of choice to create the day of dreams. A sunset beach ceremony, a black tie event or a temple hang are all options. Food-wise you can take your pick from local dishes, haute cuisine or simple rustic fare.


Alcohol availability depends on where you are –Indonesia is largely Muslim but alcohol is openly sold in locations like Bali. A licensed venue is all you need to ensure a steady supply of lychee martinis, beer and crisp French champagne.

Indonesians don’t do wedding gifts or a bridal registry and tend to ask for cash instead, so ask your guests to contribute whatever they can to your honeymoon fund, rather than paying for blenders or silverware. Getting married in Indonesia means you’re in the perfect place to explore, from hiking to hidden waterfalls in Bali, to snorkeling in Nusa Penida. It’s just a short hop to other exciting destinations such as Thailand and Vietnam too.

Getting married in Indonesia is a truly unique experience and an incredible adventure. Make sure you have enough time to explore this awe-inspiring place and share some amazing moments as newlywedstoo

insider note...

The trending culinary theme for a destination wedding in Indonesia right now is pasar malam (“night market”). This is certainly one for the foodies with wedding catering in the style of Indonesia’s famous food stalls. Think satay, noodles, tahu isi (fried soy bean cake), chicken cooked in banana leaf and seafood BBQ, with fragrant smells from the food filling the warm night air as you toast the love of your life.

Flight Duration

15hrs depending on where you fly to, usually including one stop.


Indonesian Rupiah

Language Spoken

Indonesian. On most of the islands you’ll be fine with English.


Standard Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Tetanus and Poliomyelitis are recommended with Hepatitis B, Japanese B Encephalitis and Rabies for more rural locations. Your doctor will normally advise anti-malarials too.


Urban transport in Indonesia is largely by angkots (minibuses that run along regular routes), taxi or on the back of a motorbike taxi. Renting a car or bike can be convenient if you’re a confident driver.

Public Holidays

The mix of Christianity and Islam in Indonesia means lots of public holidays, from Christmas through to Muharram (Islamic New Year). Buddha’s Birthday (29th May), Independence Day (17th August) and Chinese New Year (16th February) are also celebrated alongside a series of extra holidays declared by the government on 13th, 14th, 18th and 19th June and 24th December.


Some areas of Indonesia are more conservative and may frown on “immodest” dress, such as bare arms and legs. Travel with cover ups, just in case you need them.

Good Time to Go

April - Oct is Dry Season, lower humidity & a cool breeze.

good to know

In Bali, Monsoons typically occur between Oct & March, so much like any outdoor wedding, we'd highly recommend you have a plan b in place for unlucky (or lucky for some) weather.