The White Edit

Getting Married In Mexico

Mexico City


Dense jungles, secret beaches, ancient civilisation and tastes so good they have been exported all over the world –Mexico is a rich feast for the senses and the perfect place to tie the knot. Celebrate in the vibrant party atmosphere of Cancun or in one of Guadalajara’s cool design hotels; get married barefoot on the beach in trendy Tulum or in the historic city of Oaxaca. And when the nuptials are over you’re perfectly placed for one hell of a honeymoon.

the lowdown

Mexico’s 1.973 million km² of land is filled with wonderful locations to get hitched. A wedding venue in Mexico could be an 18th century building in Mexico City with epic frescoes by Mexican painter José Clemente Orozco. It might be in the “City of Flowers,” or the grounds of Casa Kimberly, the nine room mansion built by Richard Burton for Elizabeth Taylor overlooking Banderas Bay. With it’s stunning natural resources, historic heritage and penchant for a fiesta, Mexico has a great deal of appeal. And it’s warm too, at 23°C in the coldest months and with 11 hours of sunshine a day in August. Just be wary of September when an average of 270mm of rain can fall.

It’s not just the Mayan ruins, 33 World Heritage Sites, perfect diving conditions and hidden beaches that draw people to this part of the world –it’s also the spectacular food.


Mexico is the home of chocolate, as well as tequila, salsa, guacamole, tamales, burritos –the list is endless. Traditional wedding roasted meats of chicken or beef are typically served with tortillas on the side plus enchiladas and beans and the fresh taste of coriander and lime punching through everything. Mexican weddings are big on desserts too, from pastel de almedra (almond cake) to rum soaked fruit cakes and buttery wedding cookies. If food is central to your celebration there is certainly an exciting culinary journey to take for you and your guests.

Getting married in Mexico is a sunshine drenched, delicious experience set against some of the most incredible landscapes in the world. The opportunity to make once in a lifetime memories starts the minute you step off the plane.

Make sure to check out our roundup of the best wedding venues in Mexico.

insider note...

Mexican weddings can be an extended affair, some going on for two days or more. However, it doesn’t end there. La Tornaboda is the wedding after-party, a smaller celebration that takes place after the big reception with close family and friends. This is what you save the good tequila for.

Flight Duration



Mexican Peso / US $ are accepted in popular tourist areas

Language Spoken

Mostly Spanish. But you’ll get by with English.


Make sure you’re up to date with Tetanus, Typhoid
and Hepatitis A. If your honeymoon is likely to include trekking, Rabies, Meningococcal Meningitis and Hepatitis Bare recommended and some areas may require you to take anti-malarials.


Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey all have a metro system and most towns and cities have cheap bus systems. Taxis are convenient – just make sure it’s an official taxi and that the meter is on. Self-driving in Mexico can be hair-raising and unlikely to help with any pre-wedding jitters.

Public Holidays

Mexico celebrates Christmas and Easter, as well as Cinco de Mayo in some locations (5th May), Constitution Day (5th February), Independence Day (16th September), Revolution Day (third Monday in November) and Labour Day (1st May), among others.


Mexicans are friendly and warm, and expect a minimum of a handshake when meeting. About an arm’s distance of personal space is respected, but do not be alarmed by an affectionate touch on the shoulder or arm during conversation.

Good Time to Go

The best time to visit Mexico is during the dry season between December and April, when there is practically no rain at all. The coolest months are between December & February.

good to know

A typical Mexican wedding reception is usually one of the best parties you’ll ever attend. From the never-ending dancing to lively mariachi music, and the incredible food and desserts, it’s a celebration that goes on well into the night.

the marriage


The only legally binding type of wedding ceremony in Mexico is a civil ceremony. Civil ceremonies usually take place in the local Registry Office. Or, if you fancy something different–perhaps a beautiful white sand beach, colonial mansion or even Mayan ruins–this can be arranged but comes with additional costs. The good news is, there are no residency requirements. However, you will require a tourist or residency permit and are required to undergo some medical checks. Many couples choose to avoid the legalities and paperwork involved and have a low-key civil ceremony at a registry office in the UK to fulfil the legal requirements followed by a Wedding Blessing/Humanist Ceremony in Mexico at a venue of their choice.

Civil Ceremony

In Mexico, civil ceremonies usually take place in the local Registry Office. However, you can arrange for the ceremony to take place elsewhere for an additional cost.

There are no residency requirements but both of you will need to provide a tourist or residents permit and undergo blood tests and possibly chest x-rays prior to the ceremony. This also applies to same-sex couples. It has been legal for same-sex couples to be married in Mexico since 2015.

If you would like more information on the application process and documentation required, check out the full TWE Guide to Getting Married in Mexico.

Religious Ceremony

Religious weddings are not legally recognised in Mexico. If you wish to have a religious ceremony it is possible if you also have a civil ceremony but it can be a complicated process.

For more information check out the full TWE Guide to Getting Married in Mexico

Wedding Blessing / Humanist Ceremony

The private, non-denominational, non-institutional nature of a Wedding Blessing or Humanist Ceremony gives you the flexibility to marry when, where and how you want.

There is no legal requirement for the ceremony to take place in a licensed building. Therefore, you can hold your ceremony wherever you like—at your favourite restaurant, in a private villa, on a secluded beach or the desert. The choice is yours.

There is no legal requirement for the ceremony to follow a set structure so it can be as formal or informal as you like—you can have a traditional Church Ceremony with the religious parts replaced with readings and vows or you can have a light-hearted ceremony with humorous readings and vows. Once again, the choice is yours. These ceremonies are usually performed by a celebrant who will be able to help you select the style, structure, readings, music and vows that reflect your tastes and feelings as a couple resulting in a highly personalised and unique, non-religious ceremony.

Please note: If you do choose to have a Wedding Blessing or Humanist Ceremony you will also need to have an official civil ceremony back in the UK in order for your marriage to be legally binding.