The White Edit

Getting Married In Italy



If there is one European destination that nails it on the romance front it’s Italy. From the painterly landscapes of Tuscany to the colourful architecture of the Amalfi Coast and the moped-filled streets of Milan, this land is designed for lovers. Whether you’re looking for rustic charm, a sophisticated setting or just a ton of incredible nuptial eats, getting married in Italy really delivers on every front.

the lowdown

Balmy spring and autumn days and a fiercely hot summer provide plenty of options for getting married in Italy, whether you’re keen for swimmers and champagne or a fully formal affair, complete with designer looks. Be wary of booking a wedding in December though, as across most of the country, this is the wettest month with 96mm of rainfall on average.

Italy excels at ease of travel – fly in from any international destination, drive or take the train over land from France, or even take a boat. It’s position in Europe also makes a dream honeymoon convenient – why not start married life off by sailing across the Adriatic Sea to beautiful Croatia.



While this is a religious country, a destination wedding in Italy doesn’t have to sink into scripture. Many choose to make it more about food (think seafood, fresh pasta, cheese, ice cream, tiramisu or fine dining with the freshest of local ingredients) and for others the focus is friends and family love.

If you are particularly concerned with the edibles then Italy is a dream destination – this is the home of prosecco and wedding cakes filled with chocolate and lemon cream, as well as wedding canola and the Bellini cocktail. So, perhaps it’s no surprise that an Italian wedding banquet can last anywhere from four to 15 courses…

With its culinary credentials, lovely landscapes and commitment to La Dolce Vita, there is no better location for a destination wedding than Italy. It’s not only the country most dedicated to pleasure and good things but far and away the most romantic too.

Make sure to check out our roundup of the best wedding venues in Italy.


insider note...

Italian weddings rarely take place on a Friday – this superstitious nation believes that this is the day evil spirits are created. Instead, the most popular day of the week to tie the knot is a Sunday. Whatever day you choose, make sure you have a glass vase to smash – according to local tradition, the number of broken fragments symbolises how many happy years of marriage you can expect. And a little sidetone, for those seeking a summer wedding, it’s best to avoid the second half of August as most of Italy tends to take two weeks off after the holiday of Assumption of the Virginon, 15th August.

Flight Duration

1hr 55 to the North, 2hrs 30 to the South.



Language Spoken

Italian – French and English are also widely spoken and understood.




Italy has plenty of public transport, from the trains to the metro in cities like Milan. The roads (and Italian drivers) are notoriously terrifying for foreigners so it’s often better to take a taxi than hire a car.

Public Holidays

Each town in Italy has it's own patron saint and shuts down to celebrate the saint’s day each year (e.g. Rome is Sts. Peter and Paul, June 29th). Alongside Christmas and Easter, the other big religious festivals are Epiphany (6th January) and All Saints Day (1st November). All of Italy celebrates Labour Day (1st May) and also Liberation Day (April 25th).

Good Time to Go

Late April - Mid October

good to know

June is recognised as the month of Juno, the Roman Goddess of Marriage.

the marriage


You can legally marry in Italy without having to fulfil any residency requirements. Civil wedding ceremonies are by far the most popular choice although it is also possible for couples to have a Catholic wedding ceremony. Non-Catholic religious ceremonies are not legally recognised. However, many couples choose to avoid the legalities and paperwork involved and have a low-key civil ceremony at a registry office in the UK to fulfil the legal requirements ) followed by a Wedding Blessing/Humanist Ceremony in Italy at a venue of their choice.

Civil Ceremony

In Italy, civil ceremonies are conducted by the mayor (or his representative) and normally take place in the Town Hall register office.

There are no residency requirements for couples wishing to have a civil ceremony. However, you will probably need to be resident in the country for a few days prior to the wedding in order to present your documents at the town hall and acquire your Nulla Osta (sworn statement).

Although same-sex couples cannot legally marry in Italy, they are able to have a civil union ceremony (civil partnership).

If you would like more information on the application process and documentation required, download our printable Full Guide To Getting Married In Italy. 

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Religious Ceremony

You can have a religious ceremony if:

…one/both of you are Catholic and neither of you are divorced.

No residency rules apply so it is perfectly okay if neither of you live in Italy. A Roman Catholic wedding is legally binding and will take place in a Roman Catholic Church.

Non-Catholic religious ceremonies are not legally recognised in Italy.

If you would like more information on the application process and documentation required, download our printable Full Guide To Getting Married In Italy. 

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Wedding Blessing / Humanist Ceremony

The private, non-denominational, non-institutional nature of a Wedding Blessing or Humanist Ceremony gives you the flexibility to marry when, where and how you want. There is no legal requirement for the ceremony to take place in a licensed building. Therefore, you can hold your ceremony wherever you like—at your favourite restaurant, in a private villa, on a secluded beach or in the middle of an olive grove. The choice is yours. There is no legal requirement for the ceremony to follow a set structure so it can be as formal or informal as you like — you can have a traditional Church Ceremony with the religious parts replaced with readings and vows or you can have a light-hearted ceremony with humorous readings and vows. Once again, the choice is yours. These ceremonies are usually performed by a celebrant who will be able to help you select the style, structure, readings, music and vows that reflect your tastes and feelings as a couple resulting in a highly personalised and unique, non-religious ceremony.

Please note: If you do choose to have a Wedding Blessing or Humanist Ceremony you will also need to have an official civil ceremony in order for your marriage to be legally binding.

If you would like more information on the application process and documentation required, download our printable Full Guide To Getting Married In Italy. 

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